CoPredict is a set of tools used for predicting an individuals future behaviour. CoPredict is used in several situations, from relapse prediction to predicting taking the temperature of a business organization.
CoPredict use several inputs for its predicting model. The indviduals trigger points, his or hers social network, behaviours, device usage and geographical data amongst other things. In its most basic functionaliity CoPredict analysis the subjects Social Network against the subjects trigger points.
The analaysis is a combination of user specific realtime analysis and generated input on set frequences.
For the subject it takes up to 40 seconds a week to participate. The analysis is taken care of by CoPredics AI-engine identifying patterns and fore seeing behaviorual risks. The method is unbiased for religoun and sex.
We launched in 2017 and have our first pilots running. During 2017 we will continue to refine the administration section of our platform.
Back in 2014 our Founder develeoped an application for tracking childrens situation in their school environment. The idea was based on a smaller instant traction to take the temperature on the class room environment. During this time the thought around predicting and avoiding future events or behavious were born
In 2015 our Founder got involved in the rehabilitation industry, mainly in the United States. An understanding of the industry and the need to reduce the likelyhood for relapse developed. The rehabilitation industry is an industry urgently needing digitalization.
In 2016 CoPredict was established as a plattform for collaberatively predicting future events and behavious by individuals. The vision is to utilize Social Networks, Digital Tools and Artifcial Intellegence to collectively predict individuals future behaviour. Early risk identification and intervention has been proved in several studies to beof highets importance.
2016 was also the year that TopDec was incorporated and the technology development was started. The plan was to launch prediction using Social Network and Artificial intellgence during 2017 and complemented with digitial behaviroul tracking tools in 2018.
In march 2017 we will launch the first version of the platform. We are already in test phase and plan to expand test scenarios the coming months. We already see results in several of our application areas.
for 2017 its our prioritization to establish ourselves in the United States. One of our core areas of applications, relapse prediction, is of greatests importance. Combining benefits for the individual and the business involved in the industry is…