CoPredict is a platform that allows you or your organization to forecast, or to predict, an individual’s behavior. We help you predict individual behavior to improve desired individual and organizational outcomes. The CoPredict Platform can be used in a variety of areas such as Talent Management, Relapse Prediction & Prevention, School Absence Avoidance, Military Personal Control, and many more. What if you could help lower addiction relapse rates that are currently over 80%?
Our security officers are armed and we need to monitor any likely changes in mental stability.
Without introducing too many new routines, we can now measure in real-time unbiased risk for future unwanted behavior in our co-workers. In our industry it’s imperative that we stay ahead of what’s coming. CoPredict allows us to do just that, and proactively avoid incidents.
You can continuously monitor your patients’ likelihood to relapse
CoPredict allows Addiction Treatment Centers, Therapists, & Mental Health Professionals to monitor clients who are in recovery in real-time, and to predict and prevent potential relapse. CoPredict’s Platform provides arms professionals and the clients they serve with the ability to get real-time alerts regarding increased risk for relapse. The CoPredict tool and methodology vastly improves client recovery rates, benefiting clients, their loved ones, as well as the treatment and insurance providers alike.
I thougth I was in control over my teams performance and their likelhood to perform in game. I was wrong. However, with Copredict I am on top of any indication to the opposite, enough for me to act and manage the situation. I have a cockpit that presents an individual based risk assesment for my entire team.
I now know when to act. With CoPredict I get an early warning per student for any type of issues in the long run. I feel lika I am in control being proactive instead of reactive handling the students. The best feature of CoPredicte I believ is that itsindividually tailored for each students engagment triggers.
CoPredict has been the best tool for us to understand when we need to act regarding our personels wellbeing and their lieklyhood to put others into risk. We measure engangment levels almost in realtime and do so for each individual and as a group.
Whatever the problem, be part of the solution
Get in contact with us today to discuss what you want to predict and prevent, and how we can help you do exactly that.
CoPredict uses TopDec methodology for setting the base for prediction.
To improve prediction effectiveness, CoPredict uses a methodology developed by TopDec International to set the initial analysis for individual prediction. The TopDec method is based on the late Dr. Ben Shalit’s “Wheel Questionnaire” that explained human behavior from a cognitive psychological perspective, that is, the way we perceive a situation affects the way we handle it. Our capacity to act, or not, is governed by our energy, commitment, interaction with others, propensity to get started and our need to influence.